You’re probably familiar with the basic concepts of how to create the kind of life you really want. The basic idea is simple: Get clear on your core desires, imagine or visualize your ideal life as real, then let go and get out of your own way. And voila! Your new business should be booming, your new lover at your door with flowers.

But perhaps you’re like me and need a bit more structure on getting to the place of really seeing your vision of the future come to life.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more guidance on getting there. And that’s where today’s audio download can help!

We’ve crafted a truly remarkable meditation using all of the sensory elements so no part of your vision will go unacknowledged. Listen to the audio frequently and trust us, you’ll start to see some magic brewing in your life, no pointy black hat required.
*listen by clicking play on the audio below, or download the file or read the text, it’s up to you!

A Meditation for Manifesting What You Want
By Natanya Bittman for The Girl Who Knows




Settle in and find a comfortable seat. If it feels right to do so, close your eyes or lower your gaze to limit outside distractions. Take a deep inhale and let it out with a sigh. You’re in good hands now, relax, and enjoy this time knowing you are setting a powerful intention that will be reverberating long after today.

Take a moment and think about what you want to create in your life. Whether your intention is to shift something in your relationships, your career, your health, or your life in general, get clear on what specifically you desire most.

We’ll begin by setting the scene. When you think of what you want, imagine for a moment that it has happened. You are in the future now. Where are you? What do you see around you? Pause.

 Are you alone? Who else is there with you? What mood are you in?

Focus now on how you feel in your body. Is there a rush of excitement? A subdued calm? What’s the energy like in the room. Take in the environment again.

What’s the weather like outside? What are you wearing? Is this a celebration outfit? Something you currently own? Or something new, or surprising perhaps?


What do you smell? Is the air fresh or perfumed? What is wafting under your nose? Where is it coming from? What does it remind you of? Maybe there are candles lit nearby, or flowers on the table. Are you out to eat? Can you smell the food as it arrives?


 What do you hear around you now? City sounds? Birds chirping? Silence? What volume is the noise level? Maybe an announcer just called your name, your walk-on music is being played…Is someone whispering something sweet into your ear? What do you hear?


What can you taste in your future vision? A favorite lip-gloss? The meal of the century? Who are you eating with? How does the food make you feel? Take a moment to savor the flavors.


Notice…how do you feel? What bodily sensations can you detect now? How are you holding your body, what qualities do you notice? Strength, grace, grit, comfort? What is your body language saying about this new reality?


Now bringing together the vision overall: the scents, the flavors, the sounds, and sensations. See your-self immersed in this reality and enjoying it fully. Take a deep breath in and let it go. Acknowledge yourself with gratitude for taking time to honor this vision. It’s important to you, and that matters. Relax and let it come. Let the corners of your mouth turn upwards and know, it’s on its way.



Photo by: Lisa Wiseman Photography

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