Ahhhh, Valentine’s day! The day lovers take extra care of each other and spoil their partner with poems, sweet words, cards and chocolate.

In addition to showering love and gratitude on your lover, why not also give some sweetness to your favorite friends and family members? Single or taken – everybody should be celebrated. We could all use a little bit of love!

Isn’t it wonderful to get an extra pat on the back when you’ve accomplished something big? Or to get a kind word when you’ve had a rough week? Isn’t getting a helping hand when you’re overwhelmed and alone, the best thing ever?

I’m all about spreading the love, not just on Valentine’s Day, not just the whole month of February, but all year long. Want to join me? Try complimenting your co-worker on something they handled really well today. And while you’re at it, try greeting a stranger on the street with a beautiful smile? A little gesture can go a long way and might brighten up somebody’s day!

Since everyone is sure to appreciate some extra kind words and positive reinforcement, I’ve created the ‘Hello, I Love You’ cards, to get you started (click HERE or on the image below, to download a full sheet of cards as well as the individual images). Print them, give them, or tag and share them on social media.

Use them on Valentine’s Day or whenever you want to spread a little love in the world (online or offline)!



Here are six ideas for how to use your cards:

  • Snail mail all the way
    I don’t know about you, but I just love to get personal letters and cards from friends through snail mail. In this day and age, going old-school makes it extra special. Write a fun little personal love note on the card and send it through the mail. It’s sure to make their day!
  • Face to face
    Make somebody smile by handing out these little cards. Colleagues, strangers, friends, barista’s . . . anyone who crosses your path and needs a little love.
  • Hide ’em around the house
    I love surprises like these and I bet you do too! Just hide these special cards around the house for your family (and yourself), and let the treasure hunt begin. Fun times guaranteed.
  • Wrap it & tag it
    If you’re thinking of buying/making something special for Valentine’s Day (or any holiday), spice up the packaging with one of these cards and use them as a gift tag. Et voilà, cute & easy!
  • Digital love letter
    Not really the crafty type? Don’t own a printer or just don’t have lots of time? Use them as an e-card! Maybe write a little something about the first time you’ve met, or why they’re one of your favorite people on the planet. Love letters rule.
  • Spread love on social
    You want to spread the love on a bigger scale? Post a card on your friends’ Facebook wall with a public love note. Instagram your favorite card and tag all of your Valentine’s. Tweet it, Pin it, you name it – these cards are meant for sharing. Don’t forget to use our Hashtag #TGWKHELLOILOVEYOU

We want to follow you on your quest of ‘sharing the love’. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #TGWKHELLOILOVEYOU, when sharing them online. Also, don’t forget to check out our Facebook page, where we’ll be posting a new card every few days with our own notes of love!

Here’s to spreading loads of love on Valentine’s Day (and all year long)!


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