Miscellany for your Weekend :: Edition Nº 001




















I’ve got a brand-spankin’ new weekly feature for you here on The Girl Who Knows.
‘Cause things are shiftin’ + changin (more to be revealed next week)!

So what’s all this miscellany about?
Every Friday from now on, I’ll post a “round-up” of sorts.
Things that have inspired, educated and delighted me during the week.

Curated links from ’round the interwebs.
Some new. Some old.
Everything is (in my opinion) gold.
Woah. Did I almost rhyme?!

Why miscellany?
Because I love spreading goodness + cheer.
Kind of like Santa.
But without the beard.

And because my interests run far and wide (and sometimes random),
it promises to be quite an eclectic assortment each week.

Have a great weekend lovelies!



Positive psychology. Heard of it? I’m kind of obsessed.
The gist is this: The way you see the world is the biggest determining factor of how you experience it.
Change your perception. And the world changes. Imagine what we could do if we put this into practice!
Take 12:20 this weekend and watch this (amusing + informative) TED Talk by Shawn Achor.
It. Is. Powerful.

The myth of busy-ness. Why being busy might be constricting your creativity. The stuff of geniuses I tell you.
A life of authenticity is measured in inhales and exhales. The every day journey. It’s not the grand gestures or the destination. And then you “make it”. Love this beautiful story of being on the path.
I was sickie poo a few weeks ago. And LOVED creating a little faux steam-shower action in our bathroom. It might just have saved me.
Danielle LaPorte is hosting a FREE 3-Day online event for her upcoming launch of THE DESIRE MAP. Click on the image below to get on the list for this exclusive event. Don’t miss it!

I think fortune tellers, palm readers, tarot card mystics are all so cool (and they kinda freak me out a little). There’s something so…other-worldly about them.
One of my blog idols is Garance Doré. Her web series Pardon My French is so delightful. Especially when she’s chatting it up with Carven designer Guillaume Henry. *Le sigh.*
An Ode to Creative Work.
Marie Forleo talks to Steven Pressfield about going from an amateur to turning pro. A must watch!

Not ready to give up sugar cold turkey? Here’s some great info on how to sensibly consume sugar. Useful with the holidays right around the corner!
One of my favorite foodie sites, BlackBoard Eats has created BlackBoard Lists, a curated list of where to eat complete with expert reviews + sweet deals. Right now they only feature the following cities: L.A., NYC, San Francisco and Chicago (but from what I hear, they’re expanding to a city near you soon)!
And last but not least . . .
I want to congratulate my mentor + teacher + all around gangster of love, Marie Forleo for her soon-to-be appearance on Super Soul Sunday with Miss Oprah Winfrey herself.
I truly feel like I won the lottery by association.
This woman helped me shift and change just about everything in my life.
She is a rockstar.

This isn’t a link, rather a call to action for this Sunday.
Please tune into Super Soul Sunday on the OWN Network this Sunday at 11am ET/PT.
To cheer on Marie (as well as fellow guests Gabrielle Bernstein + Mastin Kipp) as they get their chat on with Oprah.

For all the details + to see a promo for the show, click the image below!

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