Kyla Sokoll-Ward


For years, Kyla was going through the restrict-binge cycle, feeling crazy around food, and beating herself up for her lack of both ‘willpower’ and abs. On the outside, she had the perfect ‘healthy, fit girl’ persona, but on the inside she was miserable in her own body and secretly binge eating every night to cope with the emotions that she couldn’t handle. Once she got a glimpse of intuitive eating, body trust, and self-acceptance, there was no turning back. Now an integrative nutrition health coach, Kyla helps women find freedom with food, show love to their bodies, and live intuitively…which means eating both kale and doughnuts – WITHOUT bingeing. She’s here to make the same happen for you so you can live the sweet life.

What I know:

Every woman deserves to live like a queen. Being feminine is a superpower.

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