

As you come down from your sugar coma and clean off the remnants of your holiday makeup, I hope you’re feeling ready to ring in Winter, ’cause ladies and gentleman, it’s officially here! The cold winds are blowing and the color palette has changed. And I’m stoked about it!

Interestingly, I’m not much of a Halloween person. At least not for the last handful of years.
I’m not sure why. I think it’s probably a symptom of too much work, not enough play.
Either way, I kind of wish I would’ve dressed up and gone out on the town.
Alas, there’s always next year!

I did get into the spooky spirit a little bit by watching the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries and American Horror Story: Coven. Does that count? ;)



The other day one of my favorite songs came on Spotify while I was driving.

Michael Jackson’s, Man in the Mirror.

I grew up loving this song.
It’s a total classic. A brilliant piece of artistry. A karaoke favorite.
It’s my anthem for ‘being the change you wish to see in the world‘.
As I sang along in the car at the top of my lungs (naturally), I got to thinking about change.

Belting out a song that is so inspiring and so motivating had me in tears. I felt like I could take on the world. That’s the power of song, isn’t it? Music just makes everything more visceral. It makes the intangible, tangible. And it makes you wanna bust a move if nothing else.

But what about when it comes time to make real change?
Whether it’s time to quit the day job you loathe, or break up with your partner, or move to a city where you don’t know a soul – real, life changes – what about then?



Things are a changin’. Can you feel it?

I’m not sure whether its Mercury being in retrograde or the recent Full Moon or the fact that we’re entering the Winter season, but things feel like they’re shifting and changing left and right. Know what I mean?

My personal life is undergoing some huge changes as is my business. I’m slowly getting clearer on both parts of my life and focusing more and more on what I want vs. what I don’t want. And it seems to be working wonders.
Funny how that goes, isn’t it? I’m learning through first hand experience that the old adage, “what you resist persists” is so, so true.




After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.
—Philip Pullman





A few nights ago, I took the photo above – of the two books currently on my nightstand.

It pretty much encapsulated the last few weeks for me. As well as the months to come as I embark on a new creative journey.

In case you’re curious, the two books I’m currently reading are:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee

It occurred to me as I looked at the photo of these books next to each other, that there are some pretty striking similarities between the subject matter. One talks about living a wholehearted life. The other talks about the elements that go into telling a good story (for the screen).

And that got me to thinking about soul + storytelling.